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COMMUNITY: Family Peace Poster

How My Family Makes Peace

TellYourStory Peace Poster Project

This is an easy activity for children - to do by themselves if they can read & write or with a parent, grandparent or other adult if they need help. Making the poster and discussing it can also be a good group activity for friends, clubs, scouts, or other gatherings.

Purpose: to help children and their families become more conscious of:

  • what it feels like to be peaceful

  • how to return to a state of peace when something disturbing arises and

  • how each of us plays a role in bringing peace to our relationships and community.


You can print our pre-made form here or make your own. All you need is a blank piece of paper and the artist’s personal preference of tool: crayons, markers or colored pencils.  

Step 1:  Draw a big square in the middle of the paper.

Step 2:  Write the following phrases inside the square with enough space underneath for your answers.

These things make me feel peaceful…

When anyone in my family gets upset, we do these things to make peace…

I help my friends and community make peace by…

Step 3: All around the square, draw pictures of the things that remind you of being peaceful.

Step 4:  Sign your first name to the poster like a real artist! 

Here’s a sample made by Augie, Age 7!

Things you can do with your poster:

  1. Share a picture of your poster to: so we can post it on our COMMUNITY page. Include your first name, city, and age AND mom/dad/guardian’s email (so we can say THANK YOU!)

  2. Hang it on your refrigerator so that you can see it every day.

3. Hang it on your bedroom wall so you can remind yourself and your family that peace is important!

4. Share it / discuss it with friends and family.

5. Print it and gift it to people you love.

TIP FOR ADULT HELPERS: It may be useful to have a few examples on hand for each of three categories. Ideally kids will come up with answers from their own lived experiences but a few clues never hurt!